Fridge Magnet Therapy Weekend


World-Class Transformational Training and Resources

Telephone: UK 0208 123 9736 / US 310 598 2414

Fridge Magnet Therapy with Chris Milbank

Solar Events welcomes you to a weekend of transformation with Chris Milbank, the creator of Fridge Magnet Therapy and Reflective Repatterning.

Fridge Magnet Therapy has been inspired by the Emotion Code and Body Code developed by Bradley Nelson, but has been greatly enhanced by Chris to allow for more adaptation and creative additions to be used, and helps to release emotions and traumas held in the body.

Chris is a very knowledgeable and dedicated therapist, and infuses his teachings with wonderful energy and enthusiasm, so this weekend promises to be a lot of fun and is designed for both practicing therapists and anyone wanted to learn healing techniques for themselves or their loved ones.

What Will You Learn Over The Weekend

  • Learn how magnets break down the electrical aspect of emotion
  • How to use magnets to calmly and quickly lessen and treat anxiety, fear, and traumatic experiences.
  • How to use a powerful Rreflective Repatterning framework designed to be used with magnets to create neutrality and neutralise limiting beliefs about self and or others
  • Understand the role of ancestral traumas and emotions and past life issues and how they can affect our behaviors and health. You will use simple diagnostic testing so we can  break down the electrical fields of these causes that are affecting our DNA. The science of epigentics considers that many genetic disorders can be related to these past  and ancestral traumas causing problems in our DNA. Quite often in this work we will uncover spiritual energies that may need to be enhanced or cleared, and the  magnet is a perfect tool for this.
  • We will explore which emotions affect which organs and glands the most, so we can begin to clear them and so enhance your health and quality of life
  • We will explore the emotional heart wall, which is a wall of emotional energy built up from past relationships and childhood issues that cause us some emotional pain and is used by the heart to protect us from  making the same mistakes again. It often over protects and prevents us from socialising and making good loving unconditional relationships. Some heart walls can be measured in miles and others in feet, they may also be made up of ancestral issues and past lives too. Learning how to diagnose and treat these can make a major impact on our lives.
  • The magnets can be used on self , or on somebody else and even remotely to clear anybody (even via a photograph.)

Some Words from Chris About Fridge Magnet Therapy

A magnet has a magnetic force which is the opposite of an electrical field. An emotion is an electrical field. When we tune in to an emotion and swipe a magnet over key energy points in the body, we can break up the energy field of the emotion and thus release it. We can also strengthen a positive emotion by pulling out any resistance to it.”

Chris will introduce you to the concept of self muscle testing, and how to dowse with a pendulum to check and diagnose your – and your clients’ – issues and emotions, to enable you to discover the most stressing issues and which order to treat them in.

He will show you how to diagnose which traumas are stressing which parts of your body and when the traumas occurred (whether in this lifetime or a past life), and treat them with a magnet.

You will learn how our ancestors’ traumas, fears, emotions, phobias and diseases may have been passed down through our DNA and be currently affecting our physical bodies and energy fields – and how using magnets on key energy points can clear these, as well as balance chakras, meridians and organ glands.

Chris will also bring a range of his gadgets and equipment which help to reprogramme brain waves and states, which you will have the opportunity to try. 

It will be a very interactive weekend.

We hope to see you there!

About Chris Milbank

The developer and trainer of this therapy course is Chris Milbank. Highly respected the world over, Chris possesses a wealth of experience as both a trainer and a practitioner, and is the creator of Reflective Repatterning. Fridge Magnet Therapy is very compatible with Chris’ Reflective Repatterning work, and he has developed it to enable people to pinpoint issues more quickly.

His desire to help others led him to seek the best training that he could find. Having studied under the best leaders and innovators, Chris has studied some of the most advanced techniques in the field of human change.

For years now, Chris has been on the cutting edge. In light of his many experiences and studies, he believes wholeheartedly that his modalities can achieve what no other therapy can. He devotes much of his time to learning and developing his skills as well as exploring and developing new practices and techniques. Chris also has had a wealth of other experiences – he has traveled the world, owned Therapy Colleges, and taken part in charity missions.

A truly down to earth person, Chris brings his skill and knowledge, as well as his sense of humour and genuine care for the well-being of people, to this course. The evening will be an exploration into a new type of therapy with far-reaching consequences for you and your clients.

What Other People Have Said About Training with Chris

Your approach and style are unique, innovative and highly effective. Your ability to calibrate and develop your class individually and collectively produces a mutually supportive learning environment and as a result your students are rapidly empowered and learn and develop at their optimum rate. The catalysts are your humour, natural affection for your fellow humans, and your absolute congruity. You walk the walk.Mark Chambers

Very practical enjoyable course. Chris is an enthusiastic presenter who shares his experience and knowledge in an easy to understand and applicable wayHenrietta Lait

Really enjoyed the course. Lots of fun – good simple explanations. Very generous with his time and energy. Thought provoking. I am not a therapist or Councillor but really enjoyed the weekend. Would consider attending others in the future
Mary Donnelly

It is clear to see that Chris’s own success and well being comes from his own journey of learning, working on himself and over coming his own difficulties. For this reason I am inspired by, trust and respect him.

I have no hesitation in recommending the work and trainings of Chris Milbank, meeting and learning from him has been a great gift in my life.Lisa Young

I’ve had sessions from Chris and have found them to be amazing. After a week or so some unexpected events take place which just surprise you. I’ve done a lot of work on myself, family members and clients – the results are great! I recommend everyone who’s interested even the slightest bit to go for it. Chris is great at what he doesRavi Verdi

Chris presentation was excellent and motivating. He demonstrates a wide knowledge and dedication to improving peoples livesRoy Gough


We are expecting this workshop to be fully booked up in advance, so if you would like to be there please make sure you reserve your seat right away.

To book your place, please click the ‘Book Now’ button below.

If you have any questions, please contact at jemma@solar-events.co.uk or 0208 123 9736.

Fridge Magnet Therapy Workshop

Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th of February 2016

Registration from 9.30am. Event will run from 10am – 5pm on both days


Kingsway Hall Hotel

66 Great Queen St

London WC2B 5BX

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Fridge Magnet Therapy Weekend Workshop – 1 Ticket
£297 + VAT
Fridge Magnet Therapy Workshop

Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th of February 2016

Registration from 9.30am. Event will run from 10am – 5pm on both days


Kingsway Hall Hotel

66 Great Queen St

London WC2B 5BX

View Map

Fridge Magnet Therapy Weekend Workshop – 1 Ticket
£297 + VAT
Chris Milbank:

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