Longer Deeper Calmer Sleep chris Milbank
Longer Deeper Calmer Sleep chris Milbank
There can be many reasons for poor sleep, including stress and anxiety, fears, poor nutrition body toxicity, and even being over tired. When the body heals the most is during deep sleep, and healing takes a lot of energy, so if body energy is low then you will sleep poorly. Sometimes a high energy snack before bed can make a difference here.
A great place to start is magnesium citrate as an oral magnesium. You see when we are emotional stressed or anxious we deplete huge reserves of this calming mineral, but so does junk food, and alcohol depletes it so quick our magnesium levels get real low, and almost all pharmaceutical drugs tested deplete magnesium levels in the body. So even if your original insomnia c auses were not magnesium related they may well be worsened by this vicious cycle.
Magnesium is an essential mineral, but is also so widely used in the body creating and helping three or four hundred enzyme processes in the body , being key to hormanl and neuro chemistry yup that means our feel good natural chemicals our brains and emotional self rely on. Magnesium is also key to the heart, those that die of heart attacks have been found to have severe deficits of magnesium.
Magnesium as in say Solgar Magnesium Citrate as an adult one with morning meal and two with evening meal or as directed will often kick in on the first day to help with your next sleep but if not after a few days in most cases. Lamberts have a highly absorbable magnesium called Mag Absorb which is perhaps even better. Magnesium will end in many cases restless leg syndrome or sometimes that is a potassium problem which a naturopathic Dr can test you for. Magnesium will reduce overall anxiety and stress levels and most often help with depression too.
You can make your own magnesium oil, by buying magnesium chloride adding 5 tablespoons to clean bottled or filtered water in a one litre glass jar with a cork, shake it up and then rub it in all over, and this will absorb very quickly through the body and soothe aching muscles too. This can be done daily.
Alternatively get either magnesium chloride granules or magnesium sulphate granules known as Epsom Salts and add three cups to a hot bath and soak in for an hour, this will also help give you a good night sleep.
Food intolerances cause inflammation in the body, so avoiding what you know is not good for you helps, if not you can internet search a Vega tester who will test you hopefully locally.
A way of self testing for food intolerances is to be seated for ten minutes and then take your pulse for a minute, or for 15 seconds and times the result by four to make a minute. Then stay seated, and if not allergic, eat or smell or taste a suspect food, then if you repeat the same pulse test and get a pulse increase of ten or more, likely that food you are in tolerant to, and possibly suffering with more in tolerances.
Inflamation in the brain is found to be in those that are depressed and anxious so natural anti inflamatories are a real good idea, do not mix these though if you are taking the medical pharmaceutical crap as anti inflammatories so check with Dr if your on Pharmaceutical medications. Anyway natural anti inflammatories are BlockBusters serepeptase, Lamberts Turmeric high potency, a full range of omega oils so great for the brain functioning, and about 6 grams or 6000mg of vitamin c daily. There is a great product called Brain Link from www.painstresscenter.com with plenty of am ino acids that m ake you feel great in minutes but you must check with a Dr if these interfere with any anti depressants and other medications, so always check first. There are man y other brilliant natural products like taurine gabba glutamine that produces calming gabba, 5htp which increases seratonin but many of these may be dangerous if on Drug Medications.
We have lives with work and deadlines and kids and school and washing work, etc all stressful so we must be aware of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol known as stress hormones, whilst these are essential for life and survival, we do over pump these around our body, so a daily walk of at least say 20 minutes where we are slightly out of breath or similar exercise will rid the body of these excesses, this will help you all relax and chill out.
Now if your mind is racing with thoughts you may try one or all of these quick techniques.
1 Take index finger of either hand and place on the forehead where the nose meets, place thumb of same hand on your right eyebrow at the inner end ie nose end. Close your eyes and make your thoughts race even faster, think about all that is wrong now hold this position until your mind and feelings begin to calm down. This can take from 5 mi utes even less to about 20 minutes.
2 Take thumb and ring finger and hold top of bridge of nose, then middle finger place in middle of forehead, and opposite han d horizontally across lower back of head. Whilst in this position close your eyes and say only inside your head “I can’t sleep” then “I can sleep” each one about 30 to 50 times, many start drifting off in this powerful energetic hold.
3 Take this brushing movement from Havening, take your palms and alternate from brushing with both palms forehead and face about 30 times, then cross over your arms brush only downward down the back of the arms from shoulders to elbow only, and next place is rest one hand palm up in your lap and slowly brush one palm over the other saying I can ‘t sleep for at least 30 b rushes in each position and then again for each position saying I can sleep now. These brushing moves help mimic delta b rain waves designed for deep sleep and healing, this wil calm the nervous system down usually within 20 minutes.
If the three techniques are not calming your mind you can always contact chris Milbank who may suggest some emotional treatments that he can address over skype or suggest another way to use those techniques described above (everybody is unique).
4 The Straw Technique , breathe in if possible through nose, now breathe out about one third of the air out slowly through nose, and last two thirds very slowly making a sshing sound (very important) as if through a straw, you can even use a straw if you have one. Once all the air is exhaled, let in your breath it may begin to feel more automatic, Breathe normally for three breaths then repeat again, keep doing this with eyes closed and your whole nervous system and mind will calm right down. I have awoken man y time the next morning having done this technique.
Thyroid can play a part and a Naturopathic Dr can do very good tests and check for real functioning sometimes patients are short in iodine which is so needed by the thyroid, some people do well on zinc because they don’t absorb it through their food too well, and supplementation of that can be helpful as well as having the digestion and elimination channels tested too. If you have a toxic body you will have an acidic body which also entails a low oxygen threshold at cellular level and a lowered electron flow which aids healing and rest and all systems in the body. There are many detoxes that can be done again a good Dr of Naturopathy can diagnose what you as individual best needs.
Being hydrated is of course crucial and every system is needing this.
House mites and dust can add to inflamation issues, but also be aware to throw out artificial air freshners in the house they play havoc on our systems and really affect peoples behaviours as well as some perfumes etc.
Fluoride in water will coat the pineal gland in the brain and this may disturb sleep patterns and endocrine ie hormonal patterns to.
Eating about three hours before bedtime, will mean digestion is almost over and sleep time can kick in .
Feel free to use the contact form on this website, and I will get back to you when i can.
Remember there will be a cause to your sleep disturbance and so in the vast majority of cases I think this blog will help but do remember a good Doctor of Naturopathy has training in many areas that a Pharmaceutical medical doctor does not like nutrition.